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Articles tagged with: Wisconsin Window Treatments

Can Motorized Shades Make Your Business Cool?

Let Lucid Integrated System count the ways wireless technology elevates your professionalism & productivity

Can Motorized Shades Make Your Business Cool?

Sunlight can be just as invigorating at work as it is when you let it shine into your home. At the office, however, it can also create glare and overheat spaces and ultimately decrease productivity…not to mention offering a less-than optimal impression for visiting clients. Walking that fine line between healthy natural light and oppressive warmth used to be a difficult challenge. However, new wireless remote options have recently been designed to optimize comfort and lower energy costs. And when you work with an established professional technology firm like Lucid Integrated Systems, your office shade systems can also be automated and integrated with other controls for additional savings and comfort.

TAGS: Lucid Integrated Systems | Midwest Shade Control | Minnesota Automated Shades | Minnesota Home Lighting | Wisconsin Automated Lights | Wisconsin Window Treatments